World To Our Children

World is moving to fast
Not like it was in distant past
Maybe it’s because the world may not last

For what future will we warrant
Our children to find in this torrent
World should find what is important

We must have our children save what’s left
Keep world’s secrets in their breast
Shed the harsh realities which infest

Maybe they will bring the peace that is needed
To heal a broken world from being wicked
Hope is they don’t leave the world untreated

April 22nd prompt: Write a poem with at least three stanzas. Each stanza should have three lines, and all the end words of the stanza should rhyme or slant rhyme (for example: few/two/woo, warrant/torrent/abhorrent, storage/shortage/mortgage). If you need help with rhyming, try the online tool the Rhyme Brain.

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