Orpheus Marching Across The Field

I march across the field, saxophone to my lips;
Play sweetest melody to catch my lost love
Who just beyond the deep cavern underground;
Each note whines of the love lost to early
The fingers flying over keys like a lyre.
I hope with my music she will come back to me;
Maybe I should bargain with a song
That would melt her heart to come out from deep hiding.
I play to my grief; the love I miss so much.
If I don’t turn around; maybe when I reach the other side
She will be there behind me; ready to embrace again.
I am almost there; the tune almost to the end;
I turn to soon; the shadow I thought I knew so well gone forever.
I pour my soul into playing; each note crying out now
That I lost my true love forever more.

April 30th prompt from this site http://www.napowrimo.net/

Revise: She Is A Shiba Inu

She looks at you in a judgy kind of way,
With a smirk on her face; She stops on walks;
Sitting her butt down on ground; won’t move until
She deems it; she is a Shiba Inu.

She comes to you when she wants attention,
Not the other way around; She is not a snugger;
Nor a big licker; she is a Shiba Inu.

She ignores your calls, your yells,
Your hand gestures, your pleads to come;
She turns one direction; than the other;
As you keep on pleading; she is a shiba Inu.

She is independent, loving in her own way,
She is there for you when time is right;
she is one of a kind; she is a Shiba Inu.

April 30th Prompt: Pick one of the poems you wrote this month and revise it. Send it out for publication or for response from a friend.


One moment she shy away
from a man’s touch;

Next she lunges
towards the geese
near the pond;

Then she lies peacefully
near you;

Until storms roll in;
she heads to bathroom,
eyes wide with fear,
jumping into bathtub;

Her mercurial personality
changes like the weather.

April 29th prompt from this site http://www.napowrimo.net/

My Grandparent’s Legs

Her legs tell tapestry of a long story,
Veins like ancient rivers, tracing maps of memories,
Her steps were long, deliberate, each one a whispered story.
They were the anchor to a growing family;
Her long legs walk with strides I could not keep up as a child.
Slender legs which once waltz on dance floors with her love
Now shuffle along, bruised from long years of use.
Slow they became; the soles now pained and swollen
They shuffle off into the next world; gone from
Walking around the block or bending down to wrap her
Arms her around many family members; they no longer
Bound to this Earth with gravity; they are now stardust
Waltzing, walking along the many stars in the sky.

April 29th Prompt: Write a description of the legs of a grandparent (or other old person from your childhood): walking with them, sitting and crossing them, clothed or unclothed, their appearance. Integrate that description into a poem about anything else.

Willow Tree: A Sijo

Through the willow tree voices whisper softly under moonlit
Their feather leaves shimmer, holding their secrets tightly within
Until in dawn’s embrace, they part showing what lies beneath

April 28th prompt from this site http://www.napowrimo.net/

My Eighteen Year

Summer hot my eighteen year
Last year playing ball
Started first year of college
First time away from home
New experiences; new people
Another year playing in band
Adjusting to college schedules
Learning in my field of study
Gather with family at holidays
More learning and more studying
Back home for summer break
Began working first job
Till another birthday to end my eighteen year

April 28th Prompt: Today marks the beginning of the 18th week of the year. Write a poem about your 18th year.

A Peaceful Easy Feeling Watching My Dog Sleeping

There is a “Peaceful Easy Feeling” watching her sleeping
Her chest rising up and down in rhythm to soft instrumental
Music flowing out of my computer as I work on writing a poem;
A poem for her; about her; always going be something about her;
She is my dog enjoying a peace of mind;
Of which, I wish I could be as peacefully as she in sleep
Knowing her life is simple as she rests near fireplace
On her dog bed; fluff up; looking cozy,
Comfy, “A Kind and Gentle Soul”, she is and
I take my phone or camera near by; snap a photo to cherish
Memories of this peaceful; “The sound of Silence”, moment
Before the next day festivity come in full play;
Where “The light of Dawn”, we will began our day;
Walking; and end with me sitting in my chair watching her sleep again.

April 27th prompt from this site http://www.napowrimo.net/

TV Interview With Archimedes On His Inventions and Ideas

[Nate Jenson]: Good evening and welcome to another, “Back From the Time Tunnel”! I am your host, Nate Jenson. Today our interview is with a way back famous historical figure, who;s intellect shaped civilizations, Archimedes.

[Archimedes]: Thank you, Mr. Jenson. This world is of technology here is bit overwhelming but familiar.

[Nate Jenson]: Archimedes, your talents and legacy spans countless areas: mathematics, engineering, and other areas. Your inventions like the lever and the screw — these tools echo through many years which we see today. What drove you to invent these?

[Archimedes]: I saw the world like a puzzle and my mind eyes I wanted to move the Earth to a higher plane.

[Nate Jenson]: Your treatise “On Floating Bodies” that an object submerged in fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. I heard that was your “Eureka!” as jumped out of the bathtub naked?

[Archimedes]: Ah, yes, although, naked no. But leap yes, I found the key to measuring irregular shapes and the density of objects such as gold.

[Nate Jenson]: Is it true about the heat ray, that you burned many Roman ships during the siege besides the catapult?

[Archimedes]: I did create something with large mirrors angled at the sun. Though I do not think you are ready for the full explanation of which resolves around the geometry.

[Nate Jenson]: Speaking of geometry, I have read a book called “The Works of Archimedes”. There was a lot I still can’t wrap my head around. The ratio of the areas of a cylinder and an inscribed sphere just a few that I wonder how you came to the them?

[Archimedes]: I am amazed that my works have been read not just by scholars but by people interested in my work. I can try to explain — but I don’t think we have time for full explanation. Perhaps when we are not the air we can talk privately.

[Nate Jenson]: Sounds good with me. Your final messaging for our mathematicians, physicists, science?

[Archimedes]: The universe hums in numbers and in there seek the patterns. Then you will glimpse infinity and unravel mysteries within.

April 27th Prompt: Imagine a famous historical person not living being interviewed for TV today. Something like Edgar Allan Poe on death or Sylvia Plath on beekeeping or George Washington on crossing the Potomac (or his getting false teeth). Write it as a one-page scene.

Songs of Seas

Seas swells singing songs aloud
As waves weave whimsical notes
They beat out neatly measured on time
Music, so melodious, musically memorable to hear
Currents craft a chorus so clear,
A symphony splashed secrets singing within;
Their songs long winded ride on crests
Tides take them far and wide
Upon sands they reach their end

April 26th prompt from this site http://www.napowrimo.net/

Minutes After Death

Minutes after post-mortem the machine lies silence, unplugged, wires dangling down its side, brush aside. Shadow once shroud around has lifted, flew away, taking the soul with it. Bed lies empty; only the impression of the body that once lay down there. Footsteps echo; last of family to take last possession of new deceased. Outside world continues with the hustle and bustle not knowing the sound of silence now quiet hangs in the empty room.

April 26th Prompt: Write a prose poem describing one or more aspects of a post-mortem: the minutes after someone’s death, funeral, cremation, or the memorial a year later.