Pizza And Dog Haikus

I look at pizza
Folded in half in your hand
Will you share it please?

I stare, waiting, but
No pizza will you give me
I will come close

Are you taunting me?
Pizza looks too good, I want
What you place in mouth

Please, please give pizza
I jump up to place paws On
Your leg while you eat

Sharing Vegetables

I smell fresh steamed veggies from kitchen.
I see you load them on white plate.
I watch you carry towards table
Once seated you begin to eat.
I come over placing front paws on chair.
Please share your green broccoli with me.
You see my pleading eyes.
You know certain veggies are good for dogs.
You find small pieces to give out.
You have me work for food.
I sit and stay for you.
I look at you when you say “Kana watch me”.
Each piece is so good.
Then I’m done; waiting for you to finish dinner.

Third Poem Published on Spillwords

I have submitted another poem to Spillwords which will be featured today. It is call Dog Eating Ice Cream. This is one of the double elevenie ones that I have published. So, excited to have another poem published on their site. They are having submissions for 13 days of Halloween. I will submit a poem and see if it gets accepted. Click here to view at

For I Will Consider My Dog Chelsey

For I will consider my dog Chelsey.
For she is my loyal companion and best friend.
For under my roof she lives with me quietly waiting for her favorite activities to do.
For she is a great window watcher laying down by sliding glass doors waiting for those activity words to be heard.
For once she hears one of those words, she will stand upon all fours paws looking at me in earnest.
For when at that moment she will stretch her forward paws and then her back to get ready to go.
For also she will let a rolling yawn come out of her mouth, her pink tongue coming out and then shake her whole body indicating she is ready.
For first activity of enjoyment are walks in morning and evening before sunset.
For I strap the harness around her neck, then clip a leash, her eyes dance with excitement.
For once outside she will swagger her walk going around the sidewalk; stopping sometimes to sniff around.
For she will go out in all types of weather be it beautiful, snow, rain, humid and cold.
For second word of activity is meal time where twice a day she is fed.
For hearing the kibbles go into the bowl; she is there in a blink of an eye waiting; eyeing her food.
For I have to give her a release food so she doesn’t inhale her food too fast.
For next activity is playtime.
For she will run around the room; zooming fast around.
For also it may involve a stuff toy that has her attention as she shakes it in her mouth, letting the squeaking be heard with delight in her eyes.
For another activity sometimes amuses her is taking photos of her in different settings.
For she has a smile that I capture with my camera.
For she will give different expressions every time I snap a picture.
For she knows she will get something in return; normally a treat or two.
For she will tolerate the dressing up; the hats; the bandanas and glasses too.
For she will probably think she is star which is true.
For I have many prints and wall decor of her everywhere in my rooms.
For her last activity of enjoyment she considers her favorite.
For she learns and practices over and over again until sometime without telling her she will do it from heart.
For they involve commands that always leads to treats at the end.
For she will sit then stay with perfection until she can’t hold and want to do the next command without hesitation.
For sometimes I have repeat so can paid attention to my signals both verbal and by hand.
For next command to look at me and then lay down and wait as I move closer to the finally act.
For I will place treats on her paws and say leave it as she looks at me smiling; waiting with a happy drooling doggy grin for the release of the word to her treats.
For once that word is spoken she wastes no time devouring those treats; crumbs and all until nothing remains left.
For these activities are her favorite and brings our bond closer then ever.
For she is my loyal companion and best friend in a furry coat who loves me know matter what activities we do together.